Squad Members II

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YODA (Retired)

Slostick (Retired)

Women love Pilots!!!


Yak Ace !!!!  Get your morning cup of coffee and stir up some trouble!!

VonWojo (Transferred)

This is him right after the ROOK high command gave him  the Ironcross for blowing up a Vehicle hanger full of flaks with his Bf110G2.  Although he has been "assimilated" by the borg and redesignated LTARwojo, we will remember him well as the Ace we all called brotherCry

Airzoo formerly Wulf190 (Retired)

Wulf190 is from kalamazoo,Michigan  and works at the Kalamazoo Airzoo.Biggest claim to fame so far  is shooting down a AR234 with a field gun!

TUFDOG (Retired)

The movie star


Don't tread on Me!  But be prepared to wear the tread of his boot if you cross him!


The great white hunter, preferred weapon "Spitfire".

cav58D (Retired)

Cavzilla!!!  The Cavinator!!!!  The Cavity Cavage!!!!

BWARED (Retired)
