Squad Members I

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Here Are Some of Our Squad Members / Past and Present


Multi Talented Musician.  Visit his site and hear his keyboard licks and background vocals for The Rogue Rage Band. http://www.theroguerageband.com

616FuBaR (Retired)

616Fubar is a long time AH2 member currently retired in Orange County Califonia, the other OCC.


Flight Instruction for today?  Just keel red things, OVER  .......

TripleD (Transferred)

"Diddley, diddley, Dee, one of the best tankers in the game.


When you want to change the "Tide" Make this guy your wingman!

VILKAS (Transferred)

Vilkas presently lives in Canada and is a WW2 veteran from Eastern Europe and his name means Wolf.  He is the master of using the ground flak gun in Aces High2


44, yr old, Jarhead, USMC lvt's (1833) welder (1316), (2142) deisel mechanic...favorite rides Bf110G2 and FW190D.....Canada....... Motocross Referee & Rider, 28 yrs, minus injury recovery time.

TheChief (Our CO "Commander")

Thechief is a retired coast guard chopper  CPO for more info click on his picture and it will take you to his website

ChainguN (Transferred)

Chaingun was squad's first commanding officer and is one of the best fighter pilots in the game. Chaingun is lethal in his favorite rides in the game are the P-51B  and Fw-190, but don't be surprised if you get hosed by his IL2 or his favorite IL2 gunner, Vilkas.

Kalisto (Retired)

Hellava pilot and caretaker of the  www.gruppeoutlaws.net  website